Blue Fire

I build castles in my mind and watch them turn to sand and wash away.

If you want to appreciate food again, go a couple days without eating.

If you want to appreciate fresh air, practice holding your breath.

If you want to appreciate the sun, let the sea swallow you whole.

This is old wisdom which is easily forgotten in the distraction of comfort and convenience, but it is the contrast which is so necessary for our biological systems to optimize. The cold water is a natural antidepressant, I feel it supercharge my skin, pumping blood and lymph through my body. 

My soul is blue fire, I sense the embers dancing beneath the surface.

We live in change, stagnation is what ages us.

Is part of us stuck in the past? How do we deliver new blood? This is the magic of the cold.

We operate too often by avoidance of discomfort, old habits, and not by the light of our lives. Shake loose and begin again.

The cold returns us to our feelings, we steady ourselves from the panic. With a breath, we inhabit this body and live. We are alive, that is enough to be grateful for in spite of anything else. 

We look outside ourselves for spirituality but where does the spirit live? Man must build his own god or spend forever looking. I am in awe of the mystery, let the songs play in every language, and I will do my best to listen.

The cave of my mind is a fire and not a cage. The embers chew on the bones of my nourishment, recycling lessons and reminding me of subjectivity and ego. 

Breath holds and cold exposure bring me to the fire. Test my nerve and in this sense remind me of myself. No distractions. 

My practice is inspired by Wim Hof, a Dutch yogi and spiritual teacher, to be guided through a Wim Hof breathing session click here. Feeling is believing. 


Rumbling Roots


Fungus Amongus